by Process AG | Oct 1, 2020 | Process Minted
How do you package the world’s best and one of the most expensive mugs in the market? How do you position your product packaging to be ready to sell in Apple Stores? Paul Heslop analyzes, breaks down and shows what makes Ember Mug’s packaging so great. Paul will share...
by Process AG | Sep 24, 2020 | Process Minted
Today in the Masterminds of Packaging Video, our host Paul Heslop will give you some key insights on how MVMT Watch Company grew from $1 million dollars in revenue to $60 million in under 4 years. He will also break down MVMT’s brand, their packaging and design. And...
by Process AG | Sep 17, 2020 | Process Minted
Pura Fragrances attracted the world’s top luxury retailers and collaborated with, not completed with, the most notable & prestigious fragrance companies. This is significant. Pura – being a fragrance company is collaborating with…not competing with...
by Process AG | Sep 16, 2020 | Process Minted
Thomas Lee discusses with Paul Heslop the strategies we used to deploy packaging design for success in retailers like Best Buy, Target & Apple. As the retailers adjust their restrictions and allowances like spider-locks being used on higher-priced items, we had...
by Process AG | Sep 10, 2020 | Process Minted
The PEOPLE in your business are your most important asset. Today, I’m going to show you how Nickelodeon gifted their employees with a truly priceless gift. And when I say gift, I mean a well thought out, well designed, custom box – made just for their creative...
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