by Process AG | Sep 10, 2020 | Process Minted
Millions of tons of plastic packaging waste are generated from the coffee industry every year and companies like Alpaca Coffee are on a mission to decrease this number as a 100% plastic-free coffee company. Alpaca Coffee, who recently had a successful fund on...
by Process AG | Sep 3, 2020 | Process Minted
If you want to make packaging just like Apple or the iPhone box be sure and check out this episode of Process Minted. Apple not only is the golden standard when it comes to electronics, but also in packaging design and the unboxing experience. Paul Heslop breaks down...
by Process AG | Sep 2, 2020 | Process Minted
How is Ikea using mushrooms to save the earth?! It is for the fact that this mushroom packaging will actually decompose in a garden within a few short weeks. It uses 2 ingredients, hemp hurds and mycelium. Ikea is trying to be part of the solution here, not part of...
by Process AG | Sep 1, 2020 | Process Minted
Ryan Reynolds reportedly sold Aviation Gin for $600 million dollars. So how does a company this size, celebrity-backed by Ryan Reynolds do its custom glass bottle packaging? In this video, Paul Heslop covers the costs to manufacture a custom glass bottle, what...
by Process AG | Aug 31, 2020 | Process Minted
How much is too much? As product brands attempt to stand out from the crowd and differentiate from the competition, they tend to over package at times. We are all for creating a mind-blowing unboxing experience… after all, that’s what we do here at Process...
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